I write digital content, blogs, display ads, print ads, posters, radio, thought leadership articles, direct mail, explainer videos, banners, websites, signage, manifestos, email advertising, strategic white cards, taglines, social media campaigns, Facebook carousels, and lots and lots of TV.
Print, Display, mail, etc.
Advertising Thought Leadership
DTC: When Your Specialty Appears to Be Mainstream
An Innovative Thought About Innovation
Adweek: What Powers Creative Excellence at Cannes?
A DTC Creative’s Report on the State of OTT
Here is Advertising: The Timeless Relevance of the Agency Greats
Huffpost: A Marketing Lesson from Donald, Hillary, David, Samuel and Ricky
As Ghostwriter
GoDaddy: How to Choose an Effective Brand Name
GoDaddy: Keep Your Business Reputation Safe Online
Identity Digital: Tapping into the New Creator Economy with Dot Bio